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Department of Economics
Brown University
64 Waterman St.
Providence RI 02906
Telephone: 401 863 2953

Ph.D. Economics, UCLA, June 2002.
M.A. Economics, UCLA, 2000.
M.A. Economics, Instituto Torcuato Di Tella, 1996.
B.A. Economics, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Magna Cum Laude and University Honors, 1994.

NSF Grant SES-0720753, 2007-2009.
Salomon Research Grant 2003.
UCLA Dissertation Year Fellowship 2001-02.
Doctorate Scholarship, Ministry of Education, Argentina, 1997-1999.
Instituto Torcuato Di Tella Scholarship, 1995-1996.

Professor, Department of Economics, Brown University, 2018-.
Visitor, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Spring 2018.
Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Brown University, 2009-2018.
Faculty Research Fellow, NBER, 2008-present.
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Brown University, 2002-2009.
Graduate Student Researcher, California Social Science Experimental Laboratory (CASSEL), 2001-2002.
Researcher, Instituto de Economía, Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (UADE), 1994-1997.
Research Assistant, Instituto de Economía, Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (UADE), 1993-1994.
Statistics Assistant, Fundación de Investigaciones Económicas Latinoamericanas (FIEL), 1992.

Teaching Assistant, UCLA, 1998-2001, Graduate and Undergraduate Microeconomics.
Assistant Professor, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1997, Undergraduate Microeconomics.
Teaching Assistant, Argentine Ministry of Economy Master Program (ISEG), 1996-1997, Graduate Microeconomics.
Teaching Assistant, Instituto Torcuato Di Tella, 1996, Graduate Statistics and Econometrics.
Teaching Assistant, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1991-1996, Undergraduate Microeconomics and Statistics.

“Cooperation under the Shadow of the Future: experimental evidence from infinitely repeated games,” American Economic Review, December 2005.

Plata o Plomo?: Bribes and Threats in a Theory of Political Influence,” with Ernesto Dal Bó and Rafael Di Tella, American Political Science Review, February 2006.

“Social Norms, Cooperation and Inequality,” Economic Theory, January 2007.

“Tacit Collusion under Interest Rate Fluctuations,” RAND Journal of Economics, Summer 2007.

“Reputation When Threats and Transfers Are Available” with Ernesto Dal Bó and Rafael Di Tella, Journal of Economics &
Management Strategy
, Fall 2007.

"Political Dynasties" with Ernesto Dal Bó and Jason Snyder, Review of Economic Studies, January 2009

"Love, Hate and Murder: Commitment Devices in Violent Relationships" with Anna Aizer, Journal of Public Economics, April 2009.

"Institutions and Behavior: Experimental Evidence on the Effects of Democracy" with Andrew Foster and Louis Putterman, American Economic Review, December 2010.

"The Evolution of Cooperation in Infinitely Repeated Games: Experimental Evidence" with Guillaume Fréchette, American Economic Review, February 2011.

"Workers, Warriors and Criminals: Social Conflict in General Equilibrium" with Ernesto Dal Bó, Journal of the European Economic Association, August 2011.

“Do the Right Thing:” The Effects of Moral Suasion on Cooperation with Ernesto Dal Bó, Journal of Public Economics, September 2014.

On the Determinants of Cooperation in Infinitely Repeated Games: A survey with Guillaume Fréchette, Journal of Economic Literature, March 2018.

The Demand for Bad Policy when Voters Underappreciate Equilibrium Effects with Ernesto Dal Bó and Erik Eyster, Review of Economic Studies, April 2018.

"Strategy Choice In The Infinitely Repeated Prisoners Dilemma" with Guillaume Fréchette, American Economic Review, November 2019.


"The Evolutionary Robustness of Forgiveness and Cooperation" with Enrique Pujals, September 2012.

The Democracy Effect: a weights-based identification strategy with Andrew Foster and Kenju Kamei, December 2015.

The Determinants of Efficient Behavior in Coordination Games with Guillaume Fréchette and Jeongbin Kim, May 2020.


Conflict and Policy in General Equilibrium: Insights from a Standard Trade Model with Ernesto Dal Bó, The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Peace and Conflict, 2012.

Experimental Evidence on the Workings of Democratic Institutions, in Economic Institutions, Rights, Growth, and Sustainability: the Legacy of Douglass North, Cambridge University Press.

“Bribes, punishment and judicial immunity,” with Ernesto Dal Bó and Rafael Di Tella, in Global Corruption Report 2007 by Transparency International, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

"High-tension electricity network expansions in Argentina: decision mechanisms and willingness-to-pay revelation," with Omar Chisari and Carlos Romero, Energy Economics, 23(6), 2001.

“High-Tension Network Expansions in Argentina: Decision Mechanisms and Economic Incentives,” in Spanish, with Omar Chisari and Carlos Romero, Desarrollo Económico, Vol. 38, Special Issue, 1998.

“Social Security: Efficiency and Equality. An Economic Analysis of the Argentine Capitalization Pension System and the Performance of the Pension Funds,” in Italian, with Omar Chisari and Lucía Quesada, Diritto ed Economia dell’Asicurazione, 39(4), 1997.

“A Study of Pension Fund Selection,” in Spanish, Instituto Di Tella Working Paper 210, December 1996.

“Portfolio Composition Regulations and Pension Fund Investments: A Short-Run Simulation Exercise for the Argentine Case,” in Spanish, with Omar Chisari, Revista de Análisis Económico, Vol. 11, July 1996.

“Competition and Regulation in the Pension Fund System: Effects on the Capital Market and Income Distribution,” in Spanish, with Omar Chisari, First International Pension Fund Regulatory Agencies Conference, Buenos Aires, April 1996.

 “Evolution of the Capitalization Pension System and the Administration of the Pension Funds: the First Year of Experience,” in Spanish, with Omar Chisari, Desarrollo Económico, Vol. 36, Special Issue, 1996.

“Microeconomic Analysis of the Pension Fund Administrators,” in Spanish, with Omar Chisari and Sebastián Scheimberg, Previsión Social, year V, 13 & 15, 1994.

“The New Pension System: Regulations and Portfolio Composition,” in Spanish, with Omar Chisari and Sebastián Scheimberg, Instituto de Economía UADE, July 1994.

LACEA-LAMES (program committee member and presenter), Ecuador, November 2018.
The 14TH Workshop on Social Economy for Young Economist, keynote speaker, Bologna University, June 2017.
Political Economy Conference, Columbia University, December 2016.
Workshop in Political Economy, Stony Brook University, July 2015.
Zurich Workshop in Experimental and Behavioral Economic Research, Zurich, Switzerland, August 2013.
Extensive Form Games in the Lab, Science Po, France, June 2013.
Workshop in Theoretical Political Science, Priorat, Spain, June 2013.
Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society (program committee member), Lima, Peru, November 2012.
Workshop in Experimental Economics, University of Vienna, Austria, September 2012.
Cowles Foundation Economic Theory Conference, Yale University, July 2012.
Workshop in Applied Game Theory, CIDE, Mexico, October 2011.
Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society (program committee member), Santiago de Chile, November 2011.
New Directions in Applied Microeconomics: Theory and Evidence, Florence, July 2011.
5th European Workshop on Experimental and Behavioral Economics, Universita di Bologna, December 2010.
The Legacy and Work of Douglass C. North: Understanding Institutions and Development Economics, Washington University in St. Louis, November 2010.
Social Dilemmas Conference, University of Houston, September 2010.
Theory and Field Experiments in Political Economy, Radcliffe Institute of Advance Study, Harvard University, December 2009.
NBER Organizational Economics Meeting, Cambridge, November 2009.
NBER Political Economy Program Meeting (co-organizer), Cambridge, November 2009.
Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society (program committee member), Buenos Aires, October 2009.
Strategy and the Business Environment Conference, UCLA, March 2009.
Social Dilemmas Conference, Florida State University, February 2009.
Southern Economic Association Meeting, Washington DC, November 2008.
Workshop on Experimental Economics in Developing Countries, CIRANO, Montreal, October 2008.
NBER Political Economy Program Meeting, Cambridge, October 2008.
Third World Congress of the Game Theory Society, Northwestern University, July 2008.
North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society , Carnegie Mellon University, June 2008.
Social Dilemmas Conference, Florida State University, February 2008.
Workshop on Endogenous Institutions and Political Conflict, UC Berkeley, April 2007.
Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association, Mexico, October 2006.
IMF Sixth Annual Jacques Polak Research Conference, November 2005.
Stanford Institute for Theoretical Economics (SITE), August 2004.
Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society, Santiago de Chile, July 2004.
Fourth Meeting of the Universidad de Buenos Aires Economists Abroad, Buenos Aires, December 2003.
North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society, Northwestern, June 2003.
Strategy and the Business Environment Conference, Harvard Business School, March 2003.
Economic Science Association Meeting, Cambridge US, June 2002.
North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society, UCLA, June 2002.
Southwest Economic Theory Conference IV, University of California, San Diego, March 2002.
Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association, Montevideo, October 2001.
Second Meeting of the Universidad de Buenos Aires Economists Abroad, Buenos Aires, July 2001.
Far Eastern Meeting of the Econometric Society, Kobe, July 2001.
First Meeting of the Universidad de Buenos Aires Economists Abroad, Organizer, Buenos Aires, July 2000.
First International Pension Fund Regulatory Agencies Conference, Buenos Aires, April 1996.

American Economic Association
Econometric Society
Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (board member)