Recent Publications:
- Cooperation under the Shadow of the Future: experimental evidence from infinitely repeated games, American Economic Review, December 2005. (data and code)
- Plata o Plomo?: Bribes and Punishment in a Theory of Political Influence with Ernesto Dal Bó and Rafael Di Tella, American Political Science Review, February 2006.
- Social Norms, Cooperation and Inequality, Economic Theory, January 2007.
- Tacit Collusion under Interest Rate Fluctuations, RAND Journal of Economics, Summer 2007.
- Reputation When Threats and Transfers Are Available with Ernesto Dal Bó and Rafael Di Tella, Journal of Economics &
Management Strategy, Fall 2007.
- Political Dynasties with Ernesto Dal Bó and Jason Snyder, Review of Economic Studies, January 2009. (data and code)
- Love, Hate and Murder: Commitment Devices in Violent Relationships with Anna Aizer, Journal of Public Economics, April 2009.
- Institutions and Behavior: Experimental Evidence on the Effects of Democracy with Andrew Foster and Louis Putterman, American Economic Review, December 2010. (online appendix) (data and code)
- The Evolution of Cooperation in Infinitely Repeated Games: Experimental Evidence with Guillaume Fréchette, American Economic Review, February 2011. (online appendix) (data and code)
- Workers, Warriors and Criminals: Social Conflict in General Equilibrium with Ernesto Dal Bó, Journal of the European Economic Association, August 2011.
- “Do the Right Thing:” The Effects of Moral Suasion on Cooperation with Ernesto Dal Bó, Journal of Public Economics, September 2014.
- On the Determinants of Cooperation in Infinitely Repeated Games: A survey with Guillaume Fréchette, Journal of Economic Literature, March 2018.
- The Demand for Bad Policy when Voters Underappreciate Equilibrium Effects with Ernesto Dal Bó and Erik Eyster. Review of Economic Studies, April 2018 (Online Appendix)
- Strategy Choice In The Infinitely Repeated Prisoners Dilemma with Guillaume Fréchette, American Economic Review, November 2019.
Working Papers:
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